launches online wine store

People know the popular the Spanish retailer as a provider of unique and authentic Spanish food products to the Irish customers. We are pleased to announce that the retailer has added the online sales of wine to their highly desired product line. Speaking after the launch of their online portal, Pamela Barez, owner and proprietor of their Irish division explains that their strong retail growth in the Irish market in 2020 and 2021 and the demand for their high quality and authentic Spanish products led for the need to expand their range to meet the needs of their customers. Acting with the licensing solicitors at M.P. Moloney they successfully secured their retail off licence for online and direct B2C sales of wine in 2021.

Not content with their valuable addition of a wine portfolio, the business has also secured a licence for the supply of Spanish beers to business in Ireland.

We in the Licensing team at MP Moloney solicitors are most pleased to have assisted this up and coming speciality retailer in the expansion of their business in Ireland and wish them the best of luck going forward.

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